“Oh fuck.” Rebecca stood up. “What are we
gonna do? They could be here any minute.”
“We’re leaving for a couple of hours.” Justin
walked up the stairs and into the bedroom.
Rebecca walked up to him. “A couple of hours?
We need to leave out of state”
“NO. That’s what she wants us to do. I’m not
giving up that easy. All we have to do is defend ourselves. If she comes
back…we’re going to have to kill her.”
“Yeah. If she doesn’t kill us first.” Justin
approached her.
“Don’t say that. Just…get dressed. We’ll be
gone if she does come.” She sighed and walked in the closet.
“J.C. are you taking your car or mine?”
“We’re taking both.”
“Alright. Fine with me. So you’re going to
follow me”
“Okay.” He hopped in his car and followed
Justin as they drove out of the driveway.
“I’m so scared. Why can’t she just leave us
alone?” Rebecca cried
“Don’t worry about her. Everything will be
“I don’t get you. How can you say something
will be okay when YOU KNOW we’re in 100% danger?”
“I just try to think about the positive
things.” She sniffled and sighed.
“Well I can’t. not when I know I could be
dead by tomorrow.” She looked out of the window to see two people across the
street, on the sidewalk. One was holding a gun in her hand and the other was
smiling wickedly. She recognized who they were. “J…Jus…Justin”
“What?” he looked at Rebecca who was pointing
out the window. “What?”
“Brit…Britney…and Jo…anne…a…gun” she
stammered and suddenly fell out.
“Rebecca…baby wake up. Pleassee” Rebecca
slowly opened her eyes. It was blurry and she couldn’t see anything clearly.
“Ju…stin. Is…that you?” her eyes became
“Yeah. It’s me.” He lifted her head up and
laid it on his lap.
“What happened?”
“You fainted. I don’t know why. But you were
saying something about Britney, and Joanne, and a gun” she quickly sat up.
“Where are we?”
“At my private cabin.”
“This is beautiful.” She looked around the
cabin. “Can we stay here?”
“I’m afraid not. this is just my extra house.
I come here to get away from the world sometimes.” She smiled and ran around
the cabin.
“BE careful, baby girl.” He chuckled as he
watched her run around the cabin.