Inside information: UPS AND DOWNZ was written in the beginning of '00...never revised. Copyrighted in '00. My granny was one of the first ppl to read this story. She thought it was really sweet. She's a Christian and she would never guess what type of stories I write. Lol. She gets on my nerves sometimes, though. But I'm sure someone out there gets on someone's nerves. It took me a day to finish this story.

UPS N DOWNZ: 2000 novel
Rated R for language and violence

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Chapters: 10
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Chapter 2

“How do you feel making us wait, 10 minutes, for you. You supposed to be here at 9:00” he said with attitude.

“Huh?” I looked at the rest of the guys to see what expressions was on their face.

“Don’t bother him” lance stood up by me. “You see…he’s in a bad mood. Britney is not giving him much luck” the guys all laughed.

“Ha Ha” Justin laughed fakely. “Very funny Lance. What about you and Danielle Fisher? What did you do to the poor girl to make her wanna…well let me not say it. Well I’m gonna say it. Didn’t I tell you to stop trying to feed her some of your adams apple. I mean…it’s big enough for a whole family.” He laughed as the other’s laughed along with him.

Lance blushed and didn’t say anything to the comment.

“Do you people do this all the time to each other? I thought you would be different then this” I stared at Justin who was giving me this ‘please don’t say a speech’ look. “Especially the person who I dreamed of meeting my whole life. The one who I thought would definitely be different then this” they all knew who I was talking about. I stood up and grabbed my purse. “I think this was a bad idea. After all I wish I never won the contest” I started walking towards the door, when J.C. stopped me.

“Wait. Don’t go” he looked at the guys. “We always play like this. We just try to have a sense of humor. Other than some people” he giggled with the others.

Was he talking about me? He had to been. My eyes started filling up with water, as I turned around to walk away.

“CHRISTINE! I WASN’T TALKING ABOUT YOU” I ignored him and kept walking until I was definitely out of their site.

I walked in the ‘now’ dark house and laid my keys on the kitchen table.

“Christine” I jumped. “Is that you?” I cut the kitchen light on to see my mother lying on the couch. “I stayed up so I could hear everything that happened” she smiled. I walked towards her and sat beside her. “How was it? Did you have fun? Tell me about that cute looking boy, Justin”

“Um…it was…okay” I said looking down at my feet. I could feel tears getting ready to pour.

“Something’s wrong and I sense it” she lifted my chin up to reveal tears. “Oh honey. What happened?” I cried harder, hearing the concern in her voice. “You could tell me” She embraced me in a warm hug.

“Oh ma’. They were awful” I cried more. “Especially the one who I couldn’t…wait to meet. He snapped on me…just for…being 10 minutes late” she ‘shhhed’ me to be quieter. “They were different then I thought they would be” I sniffled. “I just don’t want to be in a situation like that ever…again” I stood up unexpectingly.

“I’m going to bed” I walked upstairs and went in my room, slamming the door behind me. I fell on the bed and cried myself to sleep, which I shouldn’t have.


“Good morning ma’” I said with a bright smile. My mother looked at me weird. “What?”

“Well…it’s just that…last night you were down and this morning…you’re a new person”

“Well I’m not going to try and let that get in my way” I said grabbing a pop tart and heading out the door.

“Have a good day at school”

“Oh I will…I will” I left the house and was on my way to school. Would I really have a wonderful day at school or something else would spoil my good mood that I have right now? Well…anything could happen…

Chapter 3